Star Wars Battlefront Beta Gameplay

Hey guys! Its been a busy weekend and its all thanks to loads of news reveals, New York Comic Con, and video games. If you were experiencing any of those three, I hope you were able to enjoy the third one. The Star Wars Battlefront Beta was released late last week and it ended a few hours ago this morning. Man oh man, was I having fun! I’m not the best at shooter games, but I definitely had fun playing Battlefront.

Now the Beta had three different levels available. The Survival Mode on Tatooine, which is a two person co-op, and the same mission demoed at E3. The other two are Multiplayer online combat with Drop Zone at 8 vs. 8, and Walker Assault at 20 vs. 20 players. Some people are excellent at these games, some are ok, and for others it not their type of game. But for those who need more info to see what the game looks like or if the game is for them, check out the gameplay videos I have below.

So what did you think? Will you be in the “battlefront” next month? Let us know below or on our Facebook Group.