First look at Star Wars: the Force Awakens, from the Toy Box TV Twitch Stream!

The Disney Infinity team just gave us a sneak peek at the figures for the Star Wars Force Awakens Playset during their live Twitch Stream. I have to say, theres a lot about these figures that I am extremely excited about. Lets take a look at a quick recap just incase you missed it.

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  • The team was joined by Vince Bracken, the game director for the Force Awakens Playset.
  • Vince directed the Incredibles and Spider Man Playsets.
  • The script for the Force Awakens Playset is a little different from the final script of the actual movie, so expect to experience some subtle differences while playing.
  • Finn is a military man, trained as a storm trooper for his whole life, so he is excellent with his riffle.
  • Finn’s finisher is he throws a grenade, and we will understand this later… (spoiler?)
  • Finn’s riffle has the most rapid fire in the game which also makes it the most powerful.
  • All four of the Force Awakens figures are voiced by the actors from the films.
  • When you use the left trigger to put the game in target mode, your attacks are actually more powerful.
  • Finn has a secret move that unlocks during the playset.
  • Finn’s Storm Trooper outfit power disc gives you a nice special effect. It allows him to reload his riffle without any delay in fire.
  • They utilize the canon gun toy in the playset.
  • Rey’s figure is very acrobatic and plays quite beautifully.
  • Rey also has a blaster that she uses as an additional option and as a finisher as well.
  • She has some complex combos, but the attacks are effective and beautiful.
  • Poe is also a military type, but he’s also a leader. You will see this come out during his attacks.
  • It was important to put Poe in him X-Wing fighter suit for the figure to show his expertise in piloting to match the film.
  • He ahs a powerful stun grenade as a finisher move that stuns a large area of bad guys.
  • Poe also packs a power 360 attack move, so make sure you time your combos correctly.
  • Kylo Ren is epic! He went through many phases in his pose, and the final product is to display his more menacing demeanor.
  • Kylo Ren has this amazing blurry effect to his fighting style which will be clearer to us later… (spoiler?)
  • Kylo Ren is meant to be quicker then Darth Vader.
  • The Kylo Ren they showed us during the stream was purposely a lvl 3 to not spoil any of his moves, which would spoil some things from the movie.
  • The Quad Jumper power disc is the fastest ship in the game.
  • When I asked JV if we would see additional figures like a Captain Phasma, he did say next year we will have more figures and playsets for 3.0 (which I hope doesn’t mean just Battlegrounds).
  • There will be an update at exactly 12:01 AM on Friday 12/08/15 to allow you to enjoy your Force Awakens Playset and figures.
  • If you are attending the Force Awakens screening being put on by Disney Infinity tonight, you will be given this awesome Force Awakens Playset poster.

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And thats pretty much it! What you guys think of the stream? Are you as excited for the Force Awakens as we are! I can’t wait!!!! Let us know what you think below or on our Facebook Group.

Also, if you missed the stream, heres a link so you can watch it yourself!