Review: Geeki Tikis Star Wars Jabba the Hutt/ Salacious Crumb SWCO ’17 Exclusive
In celebration of today being the 40th Anniversary of the release of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, I am taking a look at one of the exclusives from this past April’s Star Wars Celebration Orlando: the Jabba the Hutt & Salacious B. Crumb GeekiTikis, a ThinkGeek exclusive. Check out my review video and then join me below for a closer look.
Jabba and Salacious are the first convention exclusive from this Star Wars ThinkGeek exclusive series. Jabba holds roughly the same liquid as the regular sized releases, while Salacious holds similar to some of the GeekiTikis Minis that have been released (like the TMNT Lootcrate exclusives).
Overall, this is am awesome exclusive, and a great addition to any Star Wars collection. A friend of mine got me this, as well as Series 1, from Star Wars Celebration. I am looking forward to reviewing Series 1 in the near future.
Want to add this exclusive to your collection? Post SWCO, ThinkGeek has put up some remaining inventory up for sale on their website. Hurry up, because supplies are limited for this exclusive, which one was set to only one casting run.
Is this GeekiTikis set part of your collection? What are your thoughts on it. Share your thoughts in the comments below.