NYCC ’19 Highlight: Medicom’s Kingdom Hearts UDF Figures

While at New York Comic Con this past weekend, I swung by the Previews World booth. Previews is a major supplier for comic book and specialty shops throughout the country, and they are usually there showcasing some of the collectibles that one can get at their local comic shop.


One of the lines they had on display was Medicom’s Kingdom Hearts Ultra Detail Figures, featuring a bunch of the core characters from the gaming franchise. Let’s take a closer look.



King Mickey


Donald Duck

Now, while these pieces are beautiful, and being brought over from Japan by Medicom to sell… I feel like the $14.99-$16.99 MSRP for these small figures is a bit much. I personally will not be picking them up for my collection, as I am focusing more on the Diamond Select Toys’ line of Select Action Figures. However, for the Kingdom Hearts collector who might have some additional disposable income, I think they would make a great addition to their collection.

If you want to add these pieces to your collection, they come out in November, and our friends over at Entertainment Earth have them available for pre-order BELOW MSRP thagt was posted at the convention. Definitely check them out if you are interested.