D23 Cosplays We Love from Friday: A Bug’s Life, Pizza Planet, Princesses x Fairies

One guarantee of D23 2024: The Ultimate Disney Fan Event, is that there’ll be awesome, and often obscure cosplay. Sure enough, Instagram doesn’t disappoint, with an amazing variety of creative costumes.

Here’s just a few:

But it gets even better: they’re with someone in the Super Nova Burger carton:

matthreid dressed up like Dr. Grant Seeker from the ride Dinosaur. He even got a comment from Disney Parks. Naturally, there was a confrontation when he came across one Dr. Jones.

He asked, “Why is a historian like yourself determined to destroy the Dino Institute, a place of history?” It appears that Dr. Jones is selective of the kind of history he likes to preserve. The two could not put their differences aside.

Jazmine and Shannon are anesthesia and emergency doctors who have a flair for cosplay, posting as the_dapper_docs. Here’s their Disney Fairies x Disney Princesses stylings:

The doctors have been posting on their stories, including this Star Wars, Monsters Inc. crossover:

Also from the_dapper_docs, Flik and Atta:

thephantasmicprince spotted these princesses, ready for battle:

One last highlight, also shared by thephantasmicprince, Walter Elias Disney himself, as portrayed by billburnzcosplay:

What’s your favourite cosplay at D23? Let us know in the comments below.