Star Wars #50 Review

Star Wars #50 brings together all your favourite original trilogy heroes like Luke Skywalker, Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca and more, as the Rebellion comes together to celebrate creating their impressive fleet of ships after the destruction of the Death Star helped raise support for the Resistance.

However, the Empire hasn’t been sitting back and letting the Rebellion get away with much, as this issue really kicks off the “Empire Strikes Back” era, with the Empire showing their destructive nature, in a very impressive way. The big epic action scenes at the end of this issue look impressive and the issue on a whole is of a very high quality.

This series always struggles to give us something new and exciting, since its so interlocked into the events of the main movies, we know where its going and thus, it rarely surprises us. There is a twist in this issue, which has been building for months, but it was also too obvious, which is a shame. And that’s been one of the biggest problems with this story arc, its taken a long time to get to a interesting point and even this issue suffers from pacing issues.

With this being a bumper issue, we get to see artwork from the previous issues from this run and also some great artwork of the big spaceships, but its hard to not view it as a money spinner, since its many fluff, so its not quite worth that extra cash, when compared to a usual issue.

OVERALL: Issue 50 of Star Wars delivers some impressive big ship battles and its always great to see the Empire at full force, especially Darth Vader. The artwork is also very good and while the pacing is a little slow, I still really enjoyed reading it and love taking a monthly visit to the original Star Wars characters, but its hard to be too excited since there is never any threat to the main cast.

REVIEW SCORE: 8 out of 10

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