Disney Longbox Reviews : Mickey Mouse Shorts #1


As stated last month, the Mickey Mouse comic will be on a hiatus until October so that a new mini series based on the 2013 animated series can be published in its place.

This is merely just screenshots from the show’s episodes edited to feel like a comic so if you aren’t a fan of these kind of comics. You can check out my other reviews in the meantime or wait until the proper comic returns.

This has been done before in 2013 and 2014 in various magazines such as Disney Comic Zone and the following two books. The shorts Crossiant de Thriomphe, No Service and Stayin Cool have already been done as comics so you won’t be finding those in the IDW issues.




This story is based on the eleventh episode of the Animated series

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It starts with Mickey and Pluto playing catch until Goofy interferes and launches the stick too far, injuring poor Pluto. Mickey informs Goof that if he won the dog show, he would have donated the money to the orphanage. Goofy, after showing similar traits to Pluto, decides to help Mickey by entering the dog show as Pluto.

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The dog show starts as Goofy behaves too much like himself during the show angering the judges as Mickey loses hope that he will win until one of Goofy’s attempts blows up the stage. Will Goofy end up redeeming himself and win the money for the orphanage ? Watch the short  and read the adaptation afterwards.

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This story is based on the fifth short from the Animated series

Mickey heads to work in Tokyo, the world’s busiest commute. Mickey attempts to get on the blue line but an incoming crowd bumps him into the Red Line as Mickey tries to crawl out of the crowd to find a way off.

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Crossing a car full of goths, he makes his way across the train until he bumps into a very large man. Mickey, seeing a chance to get his attention, challenges him with a sumo stance.

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Using his belly, Mickey hops onto the roof as he avoids incoming billboards and collecting randomly placed coins until he sees the Blue Line bolting by next to the Red Line. How will Mickey make it to work in time ? Read on to find out or watch the short on YouTube.



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 This is an adaptation of the fifteenth episode of the Animated series

Mickey and Goofy are having a cook-out one sunny day as Donald arrives with an injured webbed foot as a hideous pimple could be seen. Mickey informs Donald that he is infected by FlipperBooBootosis, a very serious infection and tells him he needs to go see the doctor. Donald , being scared of doctors,refuses to do so.

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Mickey tries a home-cure remedy by placing honey on his webbed foot until a hungry bear shows up to eat Donald. Mickey then tries other ways to cure Donald until they give up and whisper to themselves that they have to go the doctor’s.

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Donald overhears them and runs away as the two grab his foot and try to pull him towards the hospital as Donald runs the other direction. Will Donald ever get rid of his FlipperBooBooTosis. Read on to find out or watch the short on YouTube.

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This adaptation  is based on the fourth episode of the second season of the animated series

Mickey has won tickets for the big football game in Brazil. As Jose Carioca announces the game, Mickey tries to find a seat but various obstacles such a pig with a very large afro or a wave of people keep blocking him from watching the game.

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Mickey ends up in the wrong section of the stadium full of fans of the other team. He gets thrown into the field and ends up being used as a ball by the players.

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After a while, poor Mickey gets kicked out of the stadium as he ponders how to get back in to see who wins. How will he do this ? Only one way to find out dear readers


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This adaptation is based on the 17th episode of the Animated series

Mickey and Minnie are out on a date at a rather fancy restaurant as the two say sweet nothings to each other until Goofy suddenly shows up thinking that the date was between him and Mickey. Mickey informs him that he meant himself and Minnie as Goofy grabs a seat and joins the date.

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Putting his legs in an ice bucket and reads the menu as Mickey tells him that they want romance as Goofy then flirts with Minnie. Mickey then tells Goofy there needs to be ambience as Goofy steals a burning log and puts it on the table, endangering Mickey and Minnie.

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After a few attempts, Goofy asks for the food they ordered earlier as he becomes an uncontrollable eating machine as Mickey needs to figure out how to stop him. Will he succeed or will Goofy eat the whole restaurant in his frenzy ? Read the rest of the story to find out.

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This may not have been what I was hoping for in terms of a comic book based on the animated series. It’s still a delightful read for those who have no access to Disney Channel or the Season One DVD to watch these shorts.

In terms of execution, its good but could have used more tweaking to not make it obvious they were screenshots like changing certain frames where mouths aren’t open but there is dialogue for that character by making them talk with an open mouth. But it’s still better than the earlier attempt a few years ago.

I can’t wait to see what shorts this mini series will tackle next.


WRITER: Scott Tipton


ARTISTS: Walt Disney Television Animation and Mercury Filmworks

EDITOR: Sarah Gaydos


PUBLISHER: IDW and Disney Comics