About Review

DisKingdom reviews hundreds of products from a wide selection of categories including movies, comic books, toys, video games, books and more.  Our review score is aimed to make things simple for our readers.

We take many things into account when reviewing, including both its entertainment value and it price.  We also use half points to indicate if the product was somewhere between the two scores, to give our reviewers a little room.

Below are our 10 different review scores and what they mean:

10) – Excellent.  An outstanding piece of work that is a must have.

9) – Superb –  An outstanding product in every way, has no major drawbacks,

8) – Very Good – A nearly perfect product, with only minor quibbles and is easily recommendable.

7) – Good – A product which has many good points and could be recommended, but has a few small issues.

6) – Above Average – A solid product that delivers what it promised and has many good points.

5) – Average – A product that doesn’t stand out, could be considered a little bland, but gets the job done.

4) – Below Average – A product which offers an inferior experience.  There maybe some good points, but generally needs some work.

3) – Poor – Persistently difficult and annoying to use

2) – Very Poor – Deeply flawed and barely functional.

1) – Broken –  A product which doesn’t properly function or is completely unusable.