Dis Kingdom and RunDisney Run Announce Partnership

With the opening of DisKingdom.com, we’d like to announce our first partnership with an outstanding group: runDisney Run. As an avid RunDisney participant, I had for months searched for a great community to get running tips and talk with other runners. Recently runDisney Run was born on Facebook and I was immediately impressed with its professionalism, good advice, and great group of members. I reached out to the group and we decided that we could work together and grow together. For more information about the group, I asked admin David Thompson and he shared this group info with me.


runDisney Run is a relatively new group within the large collection of runDisney related Facebook groups. The obvious question is why there is a need for yet another Disney themed running group?

Our group was founded by a cadre of very experienced Disney runners. Most of our core members have run over a dozen Disney races and are very experienced in the sport. Abilities range from Boston qualifiers to our beloved “Turtles”, who successfully finish race after race with the back of the pack.

What we all have in common is a love of running and a love of running Disney races.
But many of us never quite fit into other, more established, groups. Most Disney running groups suffer from a myopia that we call “Disney Positive”. They are so single minded in emphasizing the Disney “fun” experience that they gloss over real problems that are experienced by runDisney, or they give short shrift to the fact that these are endurance events and not visits to the Magic Kingdom. Many of us in RunDisney Run were removed from other groups for giving realistic advice to newer runners, based on our years of experience, because we were insufficiently positive towards unrealistic expectations.

In the end we decided that we could do it better. That there was room for a community focused on treating Disney races realistically, where experienced runners could gather to discuss racing in general and provide mentorship to newer runners looking to get the best experience possible. This means that instead of offering “pixie dust”, we offer realistic advice on training, dealing with injuries, and improving runners experiences.

Our philosophy is simple. We invite everyone, regardless of experience level to participate. We allow all topics to be discussed, even if they reflect poorly on runDisney itself. We only ask that people treat each other with respect, and present their opinions without denigrating those who disagree.

We also try to be a resource for runners. Our files section is kept up to date with the latest information regarding running at Disney. It is our hope that we will continue to grow to the point that we are the first place people go for information and advice about runDisney.


Every month we will share great advice that comes directly from the runDisney Run Facebook group and runDisney merchandise for all you avid DIsney runners. But don’t just read the info here. Join runDisney Run today! Click the image below to head over there and learn to not only runDisney, but to runDisney Run!
