Disney Magic Kingdoms’ The Incredibles Event: One Week In
Last week, the team over at Gameloft released a new update for their popular mobile game Disney Magic Kingdoms. This update, though also containing special items commerating the opening of Disneyland Shanghai and new attractions centered around Aladdin, mainly focused on a month long event featuring The Incredibles.
During this event, your goal is to prepare to fight Syndrome and his Omnidroid in the final showdown at the end of the thirty days. To do this, you welcome The Incredibles heroes, each of the family one a week and Frozone with gems (unlocking Frozone early helps to unlock the weekly characters easier). You also dispell more of the curse on the Kingdom (around California Screamin’); build special attractions, decorations, and concessions; and set your characters to perform tasks to earn special event “currency”.
For the past week, those involved in the event have had the chance to welcome both Mrs. Incredible and Dash to the Kingdom (Mrs. Incredible from the start and Dash a few days ago). At the time of this publication, Violet will be available in just over 3 days, with Mr. Incredible a week later.
Here are some snapshots from the game. NOTE: Some were taken before the event started, so they are no longer “Coming Soon”.
- Dash also unlocks the Omnidroid Obstacle Course
- Some of the Featured Unlocks for the event.
- Striking Gold happens every few days, awarding gems to the top earners.
- Event FAQ
- Syndrome’s Zero Point Gravity Rings Attraction
- The Incredibles characters, Part 1
- The Incredibles characters, Part 2
- The Incredibles Decorations
- The Incredibles Attractions
- The Incredibles Attractions
- Frozone’s Sno-Cone
Overall, my friends and I who have been playing this game from the beginning are all enjoying this event. One of the positives is that the event has its’ own currency, so we don’t have to divert potion that we were saving up for to advance in the main story in order to get this done. Also, the areas around California Screamin’ where this event is centered around are extremely low in cost (750 Incredibles coins for example, instead of 65,000 potion). This event is becoming an easy way to get more land to expand our Kingdoms, which have been getting mighty crowded with all of the unlocks available.
Probably the one downside for this event is the amount of repetitive “defeat bots” missions there are. They can get to be quite tedious, especially going after 150 of them with 5 unlocking at a minimum of every half an hour. It’s a good thing I really like this game, or I might have given up by now. 😛
I am excited to see what this has in store for the future of the game. If this goes well, I would love to see additional monthly events for the Tomorrowland and Fantasyland areas that are still unlocked. Frozen would be a great one for Fantasyland, and maybe Tron for Tomorrowland.
For those of you on the fence about this event: if you can take part in it, go for it. It has been hinted by Gameloft that after this event, everything unlockable during the event won’t be around to regularly unlock after the event for a given amount of time… possibly for quite some time. Also, if you are taking part in the event, work at leveling up your characters once unlocked, as it is unknown if you will be able to level them up more after the event, since their leveling up calls for the Incredibles currency.
Have you been playing the new event on Disney Magic Kingdoms? What are your thoughts? Let us know below.