New Disney Mickey Refreshed Collection from Neff Online Now!

Neff has released a new collection online for women and men called Disney Mickey Refreshed! Below are the items that are available online with their prices. As always, click on the photos and to take you directly to the product page!

detailshot_0026_milanogrey-940wWATERCOLOR RUN MICKEY TEE $28
detailshot_0027_watercolorwhite-940wTOKYO TOY MICKEY TEE $28
detailshot_0024_tokyowhite-940wSTRIPE A DOT MICKEY TEE $28
detailshot_0022_stripeadotgrey-940wABSTRACT MICKEY FACE TEE $28
detailshot_0023_abstractwhite-940wTOKYO TOY CAMO MICKEY TEE $28
detailshot_0025_tokyoblack-940wSTRIPE A DOT MICKEY FACE TEE $28
detailshot_0028_stripeadotblack-940wPASTEL MICKEY TEE $28
detailshot_0021_pastelblack-940wPASTEL MICKEY WOMENS TEE $28
detailshot_pastelmickey_black-940wPARADISE MICKEY WOMENS RAGLAN $30
detailshot_paradiseraglan_black-940wFLORAL MICKEY WOMENS TANK $26
detailshot_floralmickey_black1-940wSCENIC ROUTE MICKEY WOMENS TANK $26
detailshot_scenicroute_black-940wSTRIPE A DOT MICKEY WOMENS TANK $26
detailshot_stripeadot_black-940wART OF MICKEY BASEBALL CAP $30
1470760844708_3855476794078937893-940wMILANO MICKEY BASEBALL CAP $30
1470761210957_-6486662732306070335-940wART OF MICKEY TRUCKER $30
1470760516717_-8037222981943406674-940wABSTRACT MICKEY PROFESSOR BACKPACK $50
1471026054922_-8904158027976027496-940wALL SMILES MICKEY SOCKS $16
1470761807265_-7213599219904379117-940wLOOK OUT MICKEY SOCKS $16
1470764042151_-2370722859754153330-940wPEEK MICKEY SOCKS $16
1470764569455_2384048941803999408-940wUH OH MICKEY SOCKS $16
1470767164881_7951876763496106209-940wLOOK OUT GOOFY SOCKS $16
1470763573015_1629715364764960790-940wSHY GOOFY SOCKS $16
1470765409049_-595460987615432681-940wLOOK OUT DONALD SOCKS $16
1470763189234_6373720573864075311-940wWOW! DONALD SOCKS $16
1470767444315_77724857503461138-940wI hope you found something new to add to your wardrobe!