Disney LongBox Reviews : Darkwing Duck #5

In this issue of Disney Darkwing Duck, we revisit the origin of one of the most obscure Darkwing Duck villains ever pencilled, yeah, as Stitch would say, it’s time to get cute and Fluffy.

The story begins when Darkwing and the kids are re-organizing the Darkwing Files ( Basically cue cards pertaining all sorts of info on Darkwing’s villains and past adventures into digital format. But the filing cabinet takes Honker for a joyride out of the bridge lair as Darkwing swiftly saves him discovering one of his old files during the action. About the kitten mastermind Fluffy.

The following is a recreation of Disney Adventures’ The Kitty Cat Caper from 1992, since it is an older story, I will be going into detail and not avoid spoilers this time around. 

Darkwing and Launchpad have been sent to SHUSH Headquarters ( St Canard Research Center in the original story) to investigate the kidnapping of one of its latest projects, Doctor Meddle hands Darkwing the ransom note to see if they can find some sort of clue.They find that the planned meeting spot is at 444 Fourth Street so off they go.

The two disguise themselves as hot dog vendors causing chaos while a cat steals the sachel behind their backs, Darkwing gets burned and beaten up for all of his trouble.

While digging through the trash can Darkwing landed in , he finds a receipt split amongst several of Darkwing Duck’s rogue gallery. He decides to investigate the matter at the nearby hotel. Turns out they were watching a beauty pageant that is pay per view. Darkwing decides to sit down and watch it with them out of respect since the villains asked to have their imminent fight afterwards.

One thing to note is that Jumbalya Jake replaces both Steelbeak and Quackerjack in the 2016 version since both villains have vanished in the current storyline. After Darkwing outbursts about Miss Duckburg winning over Miss Mouseton, the fight starts as Darkwing goes against Liquidator while Launchpad runs from the shockingly pun-worthy Megavolt.

After taking care of both, Darkwing moves on towards Moliarty, Jake and Tuskernini making the fight even more epic and full of very shocking puns. Soon the fight is over , Gosalyn butts in to remind Darkwing that he is getting out of focus having forgotten about Fluffy.

Darkwing soon resumes the story as the two ponder who could be responsible for the kidnapping of the money  as they soon spot a feline with the stolen money. Darkwing gets infuriated that he wasted all this time chasing a kitten. He decides to go after it.

They soon enter an abandoned house as they are soon ambushed by Fluffy himself, who was the mastermind…. or is that master kitty all along, however the two cannot take him seriously due to his cuteness.

Fluffy soon commands his legion of cats to attack Darkwing and Launchpad but Darkwing soon uncovers his water pistol making quick work of the kitten army. They soon ambush Fluffy, without water however, are the dynamic duo done for ? Nope, they are saved by the friendly neighbourhood street sweeper who dry cleans Fluffy into a fluff ball. Darkwing soon takes him in ending one more case.


I loved this issue. I love how it is essentially a remake of a classic story from the Disney Adventures run of Darkwing Duck. The series has a ton of potential villains that could make comebacks in the Joe Books version. But Fluffy has had a small fan base apparently eagerly awaiting his comeback since Aaron teased about it months prior.

One change I like is that Fluffy now has the appearance of Oliver from 1988’s Oliver and Company who also was the inspiration for Darkwing villain Mortimer aka Kat-Tankerous. Will we see more of Fluffy in the future ? Well that’s up to you #SaveDarkwing


WRITER: Aaron Sparrow

ARTIST: James Silvani


EDITOR: Jesse Post

PUBLISHER: Joe Books Canada