Disney Princess # 17 Review
It’s been a while since we have seen the Disney Princess comic but now the newest issue has hit stores, its time to dive in and check out the newest adventures of these beloved Disney princesses from Joe Books.
From Ariel enjoying winter by playing with snow or riding a toboggan to Pocahontas talking fall fashion with Grandmother Willow. There is a lot of adventures in this issue of Disney Princess. Some of my favourites are when Merida’s brothers always tried to get food but Merida would always catch them or when Odette tried to tell some knock knock jokes to Tiana but she always got it wrong.
My one complaint is that two of the larger stories are re-printed from Issue 15, the stories are Snoring featuring Snow White, Grumpy and Sleepy which mainly dealt with Grumpy trying to get some sleep while Snow tries to get Sleepy to move elsewhere to snore in peace. The other story is All In A Day’s Work which dealt with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs having to do some shovelling when a new batch of snow covers the kingdom.
Disney Princess continues to be a title that I look forward to, while the release schedule and the art leaves a lot to be desired at times due to the number of different artists handling to the stories ever since Amy Mebberson left the title last year. It still continues to be a great read for kids and Disney fans of all ages.
RATING: 7 out of 10