Review: Disney Princess Comic Collection (Target Exclusive)
For today’s review, I check out some pieces released by Hasbro in Target stores here in the US. Featuring Disney Princesses, a couple of Princes, and even a Villain, in poseable, comical versions of their personas… here is the Disney Princess Comic Collection.

All of these figures are based off the comic artwork of Amy Mebberson in the Disney Princess anthology comic book published between March 2016 and December 2018. While these figures were released back during that time frame, I found them at my local Ollie’s store on clearance. While I initially passed up on these figures when they were in Target, finding them on sale made them very hard to pass up. Let’s check them out.
First up are the single figures of Rapunzel, Pocahontas, and Belle. Each come with limited points of articulation as well as a special display base.
I really love the look of these figures and designs. I think the “Colors of the Wind” stance of Pocahontas is my favorite.

Next up, we have a special Magic Carpet Ride 2pk featuring Jasmine and Aladdin.
Like the single characters, they have limited points of articulation. As the special 2pk is named, there is a special Magic Carpet base for them to stand on.

Finally, we have the Ariel & Friends 3pk. I am not sure how Ursula would be considered a friend, but here they are.
Again, limited articulation. Ariel and Eric both come with a special display stand. Since Ursula (who is all duckface… maybe wanting to take a selfie?) has a large base with her tentacles, she does not have a display stand.
While I like this version of Ariel in “human” form, I would have loved to see this style be done in her “mermaid” form.

As started earlier, these are long gone from regular retail store shelves, but you might be able to find them at second-hand or discount stores like I did. If you are wanting to add these to your Disney Princess collection, you could always check out the secondary market online like eBay or Mercari.