Star Wars Weekends Merchandise 2015
Hello everyone. I know its been a bit more than a week since Star Wars Celebration, but it has been quite busy in my personal life, so I do apologize for the delay on some articles. In todays topic, I wanted to talk about some very exciting info, as well as share some pictures for any of you going to Star Wars Weekends in Disney World.
Star Wars Celebration had a booth displaying all the amazing goodies that will be available at Star Wars Weekends. They will release these items in waves every weekend. For all of you who want all the items, but can not visit every weekend, rest assured. There is an option to purchase all the items for one lump sum. The cost for this bulk purchase wasn’t disclosed at the time I was there, but I’m sure that price will be revealed very soon. As far as pricing for the individual items, I did try to take as many pictures so you can see the price of each item.
Take a look at all the goodies coming to Star Wars Weekends this year….

Im in love with this Death Star Vinylmation combo! I must buy this! Anyone want to get me one if you are going to the event?
So what do you think? Which one is your favorite, must buy item for this years Star Wars Weekends? Let us know!