New Kingdom Hearts 3 Images Discovered

While Kingdom Hearts fans await new details, KHInsider was able get some new details and screens on the game.  The images seen today don’t show us any new worlds or playable characters. They do show our spiky haired protagonist, Sora, gaining more abilities with his keyblade as he progresses through his Mark of Mastery Exam.


This looks to be that Sora activates his keyblade as a whip, dealing tons of damage to groups of enemies.

The other two images show that the game has taken so long to come to fruition because they switched game engines during production. The game switched from the Luminous Engine to the Unreal 4 engine. The switch was based off of the fact that the many spin off games the Kingdom Hearts series has produced since its last console version has created.



The above image is the older Luminous Engine. Although we have seen this before in the quick trailer from two years ago, it is unsure if the mechanics of “riding” the Hearless will still be in the final product.


The newer Unreal 4 engine shows a new attack combination and deeper shadows and grounds, get an HD tv for this one people!

Director of the game, Tetsuya Nomura also cited in an interview with Games TM that the development of the game was slowed by key developers working on other projects. The game was originally supposed to be on the PS3 but the developer’s delays held up the production.

Tetsuya Nomura in his sly style coyly left an open ended question to weather or not there would be multiple playable characters. He went on to praise Disney for letting him take the game in his own direction and giving him access to all of their properties. Nomura added that sometimes Disney would ask for a lighter tone or “happy ending”.

What do you think? Is this a good move? Are you tired of waiting like me? Do these other projects signify more Kingdom Hearts in Disney Infinity? What playable characters would you like to see? Sound off below.