Are Alternate Deadpool Cuts Coming?


Rumors are circulating, thanks in part to Ryan Reynolds himself, that there may be alternate versions of Deadpool released. Likely to be shown on the DVD/Blu-ray sets, this extra footage is quite the talk of the town at the moment.

Just how much extra footage there is, however, is exactly what the debate is about. In an interview with BBC Radio 1, Ryan Reynolds outright said that there will be an alternate version insisting, “There’s too much footage – too much stuff that we love, and we had to make choices, and that’s just the nature of the beast. But yeah, we have enough for a few sequels, probably.”

While that may be true, when asked outright about a director’s cut, the film’s director, Tim Miller, said there will not be one, adding that he is “pretty happy with this cut.” There will undoubtedly be deleted scenes as per his previous interviews, but Miller took the idea of an alternate cut off of the table despite Reynolds’ claims.

Are we in for an alternate version of Deadpool or just some industry-standard bonus material? We’ll have to wait for home video release information to know for sure. What would you like to see if there is an alternate version?


One comment

  • I’d like to see a pg13 cut. I’m not talking language, but the more adult content. It’s the reason I couldn’t take my daughter to see it. She knows the original comics and the Ultimate spider-man version. I couldn’t bring myself to take her, I sat this one out myself. That’s saying a lot as much of a fan as I am.