Early Details On Marvel Heroes 2016 Civil War Event

Gazillion have released some details on a special Civil War promotion and content, that is coming to Marvel Heroes 2016 from this Friday, May 6th. 

Here are the details:

5/6 – 5/12 – Marvel Heroes: Civil War Part 1!

  1. Crossbones in Patrol Modes – Crossbones and his band of mercenaries have begun terrorizing civilians in Hightown Patrol, Industry City Patrol and Midtown Manhattan Patrol. It is up to our heroes to go in there and stop him before more innocents are caught in the crossfire!
  2. Madripoor Bazaar Chase – Maria Hill and S.H.I.E.L.D have been busy tracking Crossbones and have located him in a heavily populated Bazaar located in Madripoor. Many innocent civilians are trapped and only our heroes can go in and help them! The chase ends with a confrontation with Crossbones that will have a very polarizing effect on the world and their opinions on super heroes.
  3. Bonus Experience – All of the playable heroes in Captain America: Civil War will get 50% bonus experience! This includes Captain America, Iron Man, Winter Soldier, Black Panther, Hawkeye, Ant-Man, Black Widow, War Machine, Scarlet Witch, Vision and Spider-Man!

Edit: Due to player requests, we will also be doing 50% base bonus experience for all playables.

  1. Giveaways – We will be sending out 2 codes later this week, one for each side in the Civil War. You will be able to redeem only one of the codes in order to declare your allegiance! The codes will give you either a FREE Iron Man and Team Iron Man Mystery Box, or a FREE Captain America and Captain America Mystery Box! These codes will only be available for a VERY short time, so be sure to claim them quickly once we send them out!

5/12 – 5/19 – Marvel Heroes: Civil War Part 2!

  1. Civil War! – After the events of Madripoor, lines are drawn between Super Heroes and you must choose a side! Raise you influence with your team by doing daily missions and hunting down Super Villains. Will you do what it takes to ensure your side is the winning side, even if it means fighting other Super Heroes?
  2. Tournament – Prove your allegiance by working with other players in a Civil War tournament, where the rewards are not based on individual placement, but team performance! 
  3. Bonus Experience – All of the playable heroes in Captain America: Civil War will get 100% bonus experience! 

5/19 – 5/26 – Marvel Heroes: Civil War Continued!

  1. All the new Civil War related game content from the previous 2 weeks!
  2. All the new Civil War related event content from the previous 2 weeks!
  3. Bonus Experience – All of the playable heroes in Captain America: Civil War will get 150% bonus experience! 

5/26 – 6/3 – The Calm Before The Anniversary!

  1. Civil War Game Modes, patrol bosses, event components will be going away!
  2. Odin’s Bounty Returns! 

Here are some further details:

Q: What are in the Captain America/Iron Man Mystery Boxes?

A: Each mystery box has a guaranteed random hero or costume, a Team Captain America/Iron Man Spotlight Visual and at least 1 random Fortune Card. Other items in the box include Exclusive Iron Man and Captain America Team-Ups in their Civil War costumes, 2 new STASH pets that are Statues of both Captain America and Iron Man, new spray paint items for many of the characters in Civil War and many other boosts and Fortune Cards!

Q: Why is the Civil War content going away? What all will be unavailable?

A: Our Civil War event is the largest event we have ever done and we want it to feel special and exciting for players. We plan on bringing the Civil War event back several times throughout the year, however it wont be a part of the usual event rotation since it is quite large in scope. When the event is over, the associated game modes, tournament, dailies, influence vendors, faction hubs, etc will be unavailable.


Are you on team Captain America or Iron Man?