Star Wars Battlefront 2 Beta Extended 2 Days

If you’ve been enjoying the Star Wars Battlefront 2 Beta or perhaps haven’t had chance to play it yet, EA have extended the Beta by two days until Wednesday 11th.

This is becoming a common thing with Beta tests, as it gives more opportunities for players to join in and also gives a secondary boost to publicity.

Players can try out four modes: Galactic Assault, Starfighter Assault and Strike, which are all multiplayer modes and Arcade, which is a offline mode, that allows split-screen support.

It is available now to download for free on Xbox One, PC and PS4.  Star Wars Battlefront 2 will be released on November 17th.

My Take: Personally this is great for me since I get to have another blast at the Beta as I’ve been on vacation and only got to play a couple of hours last night.

Are you going to try out the Beta?