More Details On Lightsaber Combat In Disney Infinity 3.0

Disney Infinity 3.0 has many new additions to the new game including a new combat system and finishing moves.  Gameinformer is continuing their Infinity 3.0 reveals with a new gameplay video of the new lightsaber combat and small clips of Darth Maul, Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano and Obi Wan.

There does seem to be plenty of new enemies to battle with, including Stormtroopers, B1 Battle Droids, B2 Battle Droids, Droideka‘s plus a few other droids and some aliens on Tatoonie.

Here are a few screenshots of them in action.

gameplay star wars 1 gameplay star wars 2 gameplay star wars 3 gameplay star wars 4 gameplay star wars 5

What do you think of the new improved combat?