“Saving Disney” – The Roy E. Disney Story Is Out Now

If you have ever wanted to know more information about Roy E. Disney, check out “Saving Disney” by William Silvester. This book is available now on Amazon as a digital download or physical book.


Official Description:

It was not a magical time. Disney animation had lost its way, the theme parks were stagnating, and Michael Eisner had the legacy of Walt Disney by the throat and wouldn’t let go. It took a second-generation Disney, shy, soft-spoken Roy E., whose passion was filmmaking, to beard the lion and save the kingdom.

Disney historian William Silvester’s scrupulously researched new biography of Roy E. Disney spotlights Walt’s unassuming nephew who cut his teeth on True-Life Adventure films and championed the cause of Disney animation at a time when the company was the target of hostile takeovers, internal apathy, and widespread disdain for the policies of Disney CEO Michael Eisner. The man who found it difficult to speak up at board meetings became the company’s unlikely saviour.

Silvester spins an engaging tale of Roy E. Disney’s life:

  • Roy’s childhood memories of Walt, how he once derailed Walt’s backyard train, and learning to cope with his uncle’s moods
  • Roy’s modest beginnings at the Disney Studio, avoiding charges of nepotism, and his coming of age with True-Life Adventures
  • Roy’s slow rise in the company, and an insider’s look at the “Walt vs Roy (senior)” factional infighting after Walt’s death
  • Roy’s battles with Michael Eisner, culminating in his resignation from the board and the “Save Disney” campaign
  • Roy’s victory over Eisner, his triumphant return to the Disney Company, and his final years as a filmmaker.



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