Details Emerge for Marvel’s Civil War 2

civil war 2

Following the May 6th, 2016 theater release of Captain America: Civil War, Marvel comics will be releasing their latest story arc entitled Civil War 2 by Brian Michael Bendis, David Marquez and Justin Ponsor. The official synopsis of this latest story reads as follows:

“A mysterious new Marvel character comes to the attention of the world, one who has the power to calculate the outcome of future events with a high degree of accuracy. This predictive power divides the Marvel heroes on how best to capitalize on this aggregated information, with Captain Marvel leading the charge to profile future crimes and attacks before they occur, and Iron Man adopting the position that the punishment cannot come before the crime.”

The first Civil War mini-series had Iron Man and Steve Roger’s Captain America facing off against one another. This time around it’ll be Iron Man and Captain Marvel squaring off with other Marvel heroes taking sides.

Thanks to an exclusive from the New York Daily News we have confirmation that there will be a major hero death, possibly at the hands of one of their own.  If you are a fan of the original Civil War then you know the passing of heroes won’t be limited to one.

Who will live? Who will survive? And how will the Marvel Universe be affected by the outcome?