Jessica Jones Didn’t Look To Out Do Daredevil Fights

Though they are part of the same Universe and will team later in The Defenders, The Jessica Jones production team didn’t out to emulate Daredevil, especially on the fighting side of things.


Where as Matt’s fighting style is very much something that has come from training, Jessica was very different, while using her super strength to be more of a brawler.

Star Kristen Ritter had this to say about how she set out for her fight scenes, while talking to IGN

“She’s just a brawler, and she’s also a good person. She’s not trying to beat anyone to a pulp for the sake of it, She wants to break things up and then she’s done, whereas on other shows they keep going and it gets violent, and that’s not really what Jessica’s about.”

Jones’ showrunner Melissa Rosenberg added that it was a very conscious decision to make Jessica as less competent fighter than Matt Murdock

“She’s strong, but she’s not a ninja. She didn’t spend her life training, That’s just not who she is. She’s a brawler. You have everyone else doing these fancy moves, and she just goes ‘boom.’ That’s not the story we’re telling. This is a psychological thriller. It’s about being grounded and real. It wasn’t in our tone. It very clearly wasn’t our objective to go in that way.”

As Jones wasn’t primarily thought of as a superhero show but a psychological thriller, Ritter considered her super powers more rounding her character’s personality than them leading the show.

“When I was playing her, I just focused on the psychology and her backstory and thought of her powers just as an extension of that, She has so much internal strength, so when she throws a punch, that strength just felt like it was coming from her.”



What do you think of the Jessica Jones fighting style?