Mystery Deadpool Coming to Hot Topic On Thursday?

After taking a short vacation, I returned to about 850 emails. Of those 850 emails, approximately 250 were about one topic: Hot Topic’s cryptic post about Deadpool.


After a few phone calls I confirmed that yes, Hot Topic is getting a a mystery box with Deadpool similar to the DC Mystery Pops that were at Hot Topic on Black Friday.  Most evidence seems to point to these Mystery Deadpools coming in 3 colors this Thursday. The first source to give this information was  Keith Moore on Reddit. The three colors seem to be green, blue, and a chase color (which may be black).  When we reached out to Hot Topic they would not confirm any information but if you are a Deadpool fan, it’s definitely worth it to be at Hot Topic on Thursday February 25th!  UPDATE: New Rumors say it could be March 4** Again, we would like to thank Keith Moore, Reddit, and our sources who have backed up the original comment.