Will Thor: Ragnarok Take Us To Planet Hulk?


It seems for every new MCU movie, we have an abundance of rumors attached to it. The upcoming third movie in the Thor trilogy, Thor: Ragnarok, is no different. First we had a bit of casting news over the last few weeks with Cate Blanchett, Karl Urban, Jeff Goldblum, and Tessa Thompson joining the cast alongside Chris Hemsworth and Mark Ruffalo.

Now, according to reports from Joblo.com,  elements from the popular Marvel Comics storyline ‘Planet Hulk’ will appear in ‘Ragnarok’. How you ask?  From what we are gathering from the reports, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) will somehow end up on a planet or realm controlled by Jeff Goldblum’s character the Grandmaster. It is there that he finds the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) who is already a part of the gladiator style fighting after making his exit in a Quinjet at the end of Avengers: Age of Ultron. Fans of ‘Planet Hulk’ will be happy to know that we will be seeing the Planet Hulk armor.

With Thor: Ragnarok expected to begin filming this month, all of this is still speculation but Joblo.com were the first to report that Mark Ruffalo would be appearing in the movie.

Does the Planet Hulk news make you excited for Ragnarok?