Venom Now Available For Marvel Heroes Omega

Today has seen the latest playable character, Venom, added to Marvel Heroes Omega on Xbox One and PlayStation 4, however the character is only available from now until Wednesday, September. 27th.

The Lethal Protector brings his own brand of anti-heroism to consoles as the game’s 42nd playable character. He’s available through the “Marvel Heroes Omega – Venom Pack,” which can be purchased in the PlayStation Store and Xbox Marketplace, as well as through a bundle in-game.

The pack includes Venom, two XP boosts, two Marvelous Loot Boxes, and an alternate suit representing another popular symbiote persona for Eddie Brock: Anti-Venom!

Here are some screenshots of Venom:

And here is a trailer for the character:

And here is a closer look at the Anti-Venom alternative costume:

Will you be adding Venom to your roster of playable characters?