Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #298 Review

This Comic continues the story of the issues that face Peter Parker and his alter ego, Spider-Man, when Peter Parker ends up in jail to help his Aunt May, his spy sister enlists the help of the Human Torch and Ant-Man to break him out of jail, without exposing Peter’s secret identity.

There is plenty of action in this issue, with a battle involving Whiplash and the Vulture on the bridge, that brings the Black Panther into the fray.  This is one of the great things about an established comic universe, crossovers and cameos, which can help push along a story.

With a subplot involving J.Jonah Jameson and Shocker, this story has a couple of layers and also includes some typical Spider-Man humour.

Throw in some great artwork, with plenty of detail, vibrant colours and a great use of panels to show the action, this is a solid Spider-Man outing.

OVERALL: #298 is another fine Spider-Man comic, with lots of action and continuing to build interesting aspects for the main story arc.  I had a flashback to the classic animated series from the 90’s, and that certainly has left me wanting more.

REVIEW SCORE: 8 out of 10