Star Wars: Poe Dameron #25 Review

Star Wars: Poe Dameron #25 sees the Black Squadron finally catch up with Lor San Tekka, saving him from the First Order, setting up the events of “The Force Awakens”.

This is an action packed issue with lots of space flight action plus I loved the moment with them floating through space, since it takes the battle out of the ships and down to a basic level, which works perfectly.   I also love the moment where we see a droid sacrifice itself to save their owner, is a magic moment.

The interaction between Poe Dameron and Lor San Tekka is also a highlight, especially since we don’t see too much of this in “The Force Awakens”, but this helps set this up and discussing the power of the Force and trying to find Luke Skywalker.

The visuals of this issue continue to impress, especially how they represent the stars of the galaxy, it just looks so beautiful.   Also this issue is the last set before “The Force Awakens”, as the series does a time jump in the next issue.


This is a great way to finish off the story arc and bring us right up to date ahead of “The Force Awakens”, I’ve been enjoying this series and how it helps fill out the new characters from the new movies and this issue felt like a great way to end it.

REVIEW SCORE: 8 out of 10

You can order this comic now from Amazon/ComiXology

Here is a preview of this issue: