Star Wars: The Last Jedi Pinball Review

Zen Studios latest addition to their Pinball platform is two tables based on Star Wars: The Last Jedi.  This is the first Star Wars pack created specifically for Zen’s Pinball FX 3 platform, which launched last year.  While their previously released Star Wars tables like the Force Awakens and Rogue One, were given an upgrade to the new platform, you can see that this new version is making the most of the extra graphical power of the new systems.

Following on from the “backlash” over the the “The Last Jedi” movie, some fans might have not check this pack out, but I would suggest trying out the demo version, since while it is themed around “The Last Jedi”, it’s still very much a fun Star Wars themed table regardless of all the issues with the movie.

The Last Jedi table focuses on the main plot of the movie and the other table is more focused on Luke Skywalker’s hideaway, Ahch-To Island.  It’s a shame that the Last Jedi table also has a small piece of the Ahch-To Island on it as well, since it would have been nice to have had a little more variety between the two.

Both tables are full of lots of great little touches from the movie, though the voice over actors sound a little off, its a shame they didn’t use audio straight from the movie, while Rey sounds like her, Luke Skywalker sounds way off.  However Kylo Ren sounds fine due to the distortion in his voice.  The other sounds effects including the music from the tables are perfectly fine, so that always brings me back into the Star Wars universe.

As with all of the new Pinball FX 3 tables, there are additional challenges, such as seeing how long you can keep playing with one ball or how many points you can get in five minutes.  All of which help add additional challenges and longevity to the pack.

There are a few differences between the tables, the Ahch-To Island table is much calmer and slower than the other “Last Jedi” table, which is much faster and features more flippers, keeping the action movie.

There are also loads of additional challenges within the main tables, which can offer serious pinball players plenty of replay value, but it’s also extremely easy to just pick up and play casually for 10 minutes. Which is one of the main benefits of playing Pinball FX 3, it’s much more forgiving that playing on a real table, yet delivers an advantage since more fun aspects can be added, which are impossible in real life.

It is a shame this pack wasn’t released on the Nintendo Switch at the same time, since I’m a huge fan of playing Pinball FX in portable mode.  I used to love playing the previously released tables on the PS Vita, it was one of the main ways I used to play FX 2.


Zen Studios have once again delivered an excellent package of two great tables, that look fantastic and will give plenty of fun moments.  Considering the price of the package is barely £6, this pack is incredible good value and a easily recommendation, regardless if you liked the movie or not.

REVIEW SCORE: 8 out of 10