Pop! Review: Toy Story 4’s Ducky & Bunny

With Toy Story 4 coming out this weekend, I figured it was a perfect time to take a closer look at the Pop! debut of two of the new characters introduced in the movie. Hailing from the carnival midway games come Ducky & Bunny.

The Toy Story 4 Pop! Vinyl Collection.


What I am looking at today are the regular releases of these two Pop! Vinyls. There are also flocked variants of these two. Flocked Bunny is available through Target and Flocked Ducky is available through FYE.

I really like to sculpt in these two Pop! Vinyls, especially the little details of the plush tag and hang tag on Bunny.


I am really excited about this movie, and curious to see how these two characters come into the story line, as they have been featured a lot in promotional materials for the movie. Voiced by comedians Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele, they seem to be the comedic duo of the movie… so that could be a lot of fun.

If you are looking to add these two to your Pop! Vinyl collection, they are currently available retail wide as regular releases. You can also pick them up, along with the other Toy Story 4 regular releases, over at Entertainment Earth.