Take Out the Four-Letter Bombs: Thoughts on “Player Select”

I think we all know what show Felix aka Pewdiepie was supposed to be involved in before he ousted himself via a racist video. It’s actually a clever project, I have to admit. Segmented marketing that brings an established base and requires not having to hire a cast.

Player Select Title Image

Player Select effectively takes YouTube videos from gamers, with their permission, and edits them for child-friendly viewing. You won’t hear any swears, and you won’t see much violence either. Disney made the pilot available online. Take a look below.

Is It The Same?

In all honesty, no. When we watch a YouTuber, we prepare for the foul language because it’s not mainstream television. Jacksepticeye is Irish, so he swears like an Irishman. Markiplier drops f bombs like he’s the World War I Flying Ace. In short, this is weird for me.

Disney made the right call in cutting Felix from this project, if this was the one. We don’t need racist gamers influencing the next generation. What’s more, it’s not like Felix apologized for what he did with sincerity.

I’m still unsure about if this media should be on family-friendly television. At the same time, it’s not like we can shield kids from the more violent games like Yandere Simulator unless we screen their YouTube time. Maybe this can be a way to introduce kids to the games their parents love in turn.