
Which Theme Song?

Amphibia has premiered and is preparing for its second season in 2020. We all can’t wait. It had a stellar first season which I’m recapping on Medium since the AV Club isn’t.

We got an a capella of the current theme song. It is a great a capella that is perfect for such a show.

In all honesty, I prefer the rough demo we got before the show started. It was released at Comic Con, and received a cheering round of applause. While Disney hasn’t been promoting it internationally — one Australian friend told me he never heard of it– the fandom is growing slowly.

The original theme song had no special effects and a full violin theme that was a direct homage to Gravity Falls. I loved that so much.

I love the raw violin melody that plays consistently as Anne tries to navigate her way through this strange and potentially deadly world. We get a sense of magic and danger, and her pain of being away from home mixed with the joy of exploration.

With that said, I’m grateful the show exists in the first place and has given us so much joy. Disney should give us more shows with Asian protagonists who aren’t stereotypes. It is amazing!