Toy Story Characters get Funko Pop PEZ

As a collector of PEZ, the company’s character choices can sometimes be frustrating. There’s as many forgettable misfires — Iorek Byrnison from New Line’s Golden Compass — as there are iconic characters. So it’s delightful to have Funko Pop revisit classic films, and fill in the gaps.

Funko’s newest announcement features three Toy Story favs: Lots-o’-Huggin’ Bear, Emperor Zurg, and Chuckles the Clown.

The Pop makeover is relatively light on this line. Lotso’s black eyes just look like buttons, Chuckles’ frustrated brow is still there, and while it’s compressed down, Zurg’s helmet is nearly as-is. It reminds me of his look on Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (2000-2001), a title regrettably missing at launch on Disney+.

BigBadToyStore expects the items to be released later this year, and cost $5.99 each.