Pop! Review: Star Wars The Child with Pendant

For today’s review, I check out one of the NYCC / Fall Convention 2020 exclusive Pop! Vinyls. Part of the Star Wars line, and featuring a iconic character in pop culture since he appeared in late 2019 in The Mandalorian, here is The Child with Pendant.

In Episode 8 of the first season of The Mandalorian, Din Djarin (aka The Mandalorian) gives The Child this pendant. The pendant is one of the “Krybes”, one of the most recognizable Mandalore symbols in Star Wars. Mostly associated with Boba Fett, the fact that Djarin had this necklace on him led fans to speculate the future of the TV series on Disney+. Without spoiling too much, let’s just say Season 2 of the series was amazing.

While I have held off collecting EVERY version of The Child that Funko has released over the past year and a half, when I heard that this piece would be coming out, I knew it would be the one that I’d want for my collection. It combines one of my favorite Star Wars characters growing up, Boba Fett, and this little green dude, which took the world by storm.


Interested in adding this piece to your collection? While he is considered sold out where he was originally released, you can find him for sale on secondary markets such as eBay and Mercari. Happy Hunting!