Marvel Select Review: Spider-Man vs. Electro Disney Store Exclusive

This set arrived in Disney Stores last September, but I recently found it at a Disney Store outlet for a great price, so I picked it up and decided that I would share with you my newest addition to my Marvel Select line of figures: Spider-Man vs. Electro.



The packaging is a standard open windowed front where you can open to access the figures from the side. Since I remove my action figures from packaging, I was not really worried about condition of the box, but it was is really great shape considering it was on clearance.. I did appreciated the cartoon artwork on the Electro side of the box.


The figures themselves were (overly) secured in their plastic. I understand the safety of the figures is in mind when dealing with lots of wire ties to undo…. I just want the figures out! It took a bit, but the figures came out, along with their stands.

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The Marvel Select line has great sculpts. The comic-style Spider-Man is teamed up with this exclusive version of Electro, sculpted by artist Sam Greenwell, clad in his iconic yellow and green outfit. They each have upwards of 15-20 pieces of articulation… not as many as I remember in some of the old Toy Biz Marvel Legends line, but I have always looked at the Marvel Select line as part action figure/ part statue anyhow. Even so, you can make for a few fun shots even with the limited mobility.


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Overall, I really like the look of this set. I usually try to only get the Marvel Select pieces when I find them on sale or get them for a review segment for the site, as they can get a bit pricey. However, they are of great quality, something I have come to expect working with Diamond Select for the past couple of years reporting for the websites here.

Even though some stores are sold out of this set, you might come across one in Disney Store Outlets for a steal. MSRP on this set was $49.99, but I for it for under $15 out the door. Pretty sweet deal. If you are looking for just Electro by himself, he is available at the Disney Store, where you can get FREE SHIPPING with any Marvel item. Not a bad deal.

Do you own this boxed set? What were your thoughts? Let us know.