Shanghai Disney Details Hitting the Internet

DisneyParks Blog announced that trial operations for Shanghai Disneyland began this week and all types of social media imaginable has been blowing up with amazingly detailed pictures and videos of attractions, experiences, hotels and more from the resort!

Here are just a few of the popular images and videos shared on social media this week alone.


Attractions Posters at Shanghai Disney

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Here are some detailed images of the Shangai Disneyland Hotel!


Via a Cast Member from the Disney Alumni Association Facebook Group

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Click the link here to see the Shanghai Disneyland Version of Pirates of the Caribbean and Peter Pan’s Flight .

Here are some stunning details in Enchanted Storybook Castle!

Princess and the frog Mosaic

Princess and the frog Mosaic

Merida Mosaic

Merida Mosaic

Vignette along the Staircase of Castle

Relief Statue along the Staircase of Castle

storybook court

castle2 castle1


Here are some details of the Alice in Wonderland Maze!

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Take a look at the gorgeous Fantasia Carousel!


Fantasia Carousel

Fantasia Carousel

Be in awe of the starry ceiling at “Soarin over the horizon”

soarin2 soarin1

This is just a peek at the things you can marvel at starting next month when Shanghai Disneyland has its grand opening !

Will you be planning a trip?

Let us know in the comments!


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