Natalie Portman Done With Marvel Movies?

jane foster

With the third Thor movie, Ragnarök set to hit cinemas on November 3rd 2017, Natalie Portman has said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, that she would not be returning in her role of Jane Foster.

“I don’t know if, maybe, one day they’ll ask for an Avengers 7 or whatever. I have no idea! But as far as I know I’m done.”

It had been explained by Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige that Jane Foster isn’t a part of Ragnarök because it takes place on other planets and very little takes place on Earth.

Will we continue to get little comments in movies to try to explain her absence, but with Jane Foster recently becoming Thor, it could be an interesting to see if in the future if Portman returns or if she is recast, which they have done with characters like James Rhodes (War Machine).

What do you think of Natalie Portman being done with Marvel movies?