Rogue One – Assault Tank Commander & Shoretrooper Cosbaby Set Coming Soon

Hot Toys have announced another Cosbaby Rogue One set featuring Assault Tank Commander & Shoretrooper figures.

Here are the details:

Each variant of the Imperial Stormtroopers is designed to serve a particular purpose or to operate in a special environment. In Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the Assault Tank Commander appears in a heavily armored combat assault tank patrolling the streets of desert moon Jedha, while Shoretroopers are stationed on tropical planet Scarif to patrol the beaches and bunkers of the Imperial military facilities.

Hot Toys is now bringing these two new troopers into the lineup of Cosbaby collectibles, and they are only available together as a set, which features the debut of the Assault Tank Commander and an exclusive alternative version of the Shoretrooper. Each Cosbaby stands approximately 11cm tall with base and has bobble-head function.

Get this Cosbaby set to engage in heated battles with the Rebels!

Here is a look at these Stormtrooper:

What do you think of these new Cosbaby figures?