Disney Pirates Of The Caribbean Salazar’s Revenge – Jack Sparrow vs Ghost Crewman Figures Review

Recently while out shopping, I came across a figure set featuring Jack Sparrow vs Ghost Crewman figures from Disney’s Pirates Of The Caribbean Salazar’s Revenge aka Dead Man Tell No Tales. I thought the Captain Jack figure looked interested and picked it up to review.

Here is a look at the packaging:

Here is a look at this set:

These figures gave me a LEGO Minifigure vibe, they have very simple movements and a little bit of character.  The Captain Jack Sparrow figure stands out as one of the best figures from this series as its obviously the main toy children will want.  That is why its a little disappointing to see them team him up with a generic ghost, which seems a little basic since there is no detail on the figure due to the clear plastic used.

Here is our video review of this Pirates of the Caribbean set figure:


This set is an mixed bag, the Captain Jack Sparrow figure is great and kids are going to like playing with a simple figure, who does look instantly recognizable, however the Ghost is almost a throwaway figure that is way too generic to be of any interest.

REVIEW SCORE: 5 out of 10

You can purchase this now from Amazon.