Family Claim A Boy Was Bitten By A Snake & Caused Great-Grandmothers Death


According to reports from Channel 6 news,  following a news conference on Friday by lawyer Matt Morgan, a claim is being made against Disney that a snake bit a 8-year-old boy at Disney’s Animal Kingdom in October 2014 which caused the boy’s great-grandmother to go into cardiac arrest, which caused her death.

“If we can prove that there is negligence on the part of Disney for allowing this snake to be on its premises and that negligence was the proximate cause and legal cause of the grandmothers death, that is a more significant claim,”

Morgan said he will file a formal lawsuit against Disney for the injuries sustained by the boy and the wrongful death of the woman.

The family claim that the snake escaped had escaped from the park and entered an area reserved for the general public and the snake fell from a tree and bit the boy. To help the family out, professionals like london solicitors must be contacted.

Disney confirmed to News 6 that the boy was bitten by a snake at the park, but a spokesperson said it was a wild, non-venoumous snake and was not part of the the park’s collection.  The boy was treated by a park nurse, who put a Band-Aid on his finger, and the family went back into the park to enjoy the rest of their day.  Disney added “These allegations are an utter mischaracterization of the facts.”

According to the family, the boy’s great-grandmother started to suffer from breathing problems after she witnessed the incident and was taken to the hospital the day later, and she was in her late 80s or early 90s and in a wheelchair. She died 2 days after the boy was bitten by the snake.


What do you think of this lawsuit?  Comment Below:


One comment

  • RM

    I think that there shouldn’t be a lawsuit, and that somebody is going to make a lot of money off of this.